Bulk Food Share

A network of 100+ farmers across the country are helping us fight rising costs of farming. We also invest in farms across the nation.
Easer Lifestyle > Our Services > Bulk Food Share

Bulk Food Sharing

We make the purchase of food items basic and simple by leveraging shared economy principles, Easer Lifestyle enables you buy food and wholesale products directly from producers, as well as sharing bulk purchases with other users for additional savings.

Our cow, ram, yam, onion, bean, garri and other essentials sharing comes up every weekend. 

Why Use Us?

Guaranteed Trust and Accountability based on promise delivery

Customer-service geared towards better service delivery and aided by constant in-field learning experience and surveys

Convenience in Purchasing food items.

Lower cost of food purchase leverage economies of scale.

Book A Sharing Slot


View our prospectus brochure. We provide very in-depth detail about our services and pricing for this year. Presentation Brochure Service Rate Of 2018

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